Saturday, August 13, 2005

16 Ways to Save on Fuel (Gas)

With Gas prices going sky high, I did some investigating on how to save on fuel. I found this article on the Dollar Stretcher website and thought I would pass it on.

1. Keep the tires inflated properly. Under inflated tires waste fuel and wear out the tire tread. Also, check tires regularly for alignment and balance.

2. A well-tuned engine burns less gas. Get regular tune-ups and follow through with routine maintenance.

3. Get the junk out of the trunk. A weighed-down car uses more fuel. For every extra 250 pounds your engine hauls, the car loses about one mile per gallon in fuel economy.

4. Buy the lowest grade (octane) of gasoline that is appropriate for your car. As long as your engine doesn't knock or ping, the fuel you're using is fine.

5. Pay cash at stations that charge extra for credit cards.

6. Don't top off the gas tank. Too much gas will just slosh or seep out. Why waste those extra pennies?

7. Drive intelligently; don't make fast starts or sudden stops. You're just overexerting your engine and burning extra fuel. Engine-revving wastes fuel, too.

8. Lighten up on the accelerator. The faster you drive, the more gas you use. For example, driving at 55 mph rather than 65 mph can improve your fuel economy by two miles per gallon.

9. Avoid long warm-ups. Even on cold winter mornings, your car doesn't need more than a minute to get ready to go. Anything more and you're just burning up that expensive fuel.

10. Combine errands into one trip and plan your stops for the most-efficient route. You'll save yourself time and money.

11. Do not rest your left foot on the brake. The slightest pressure could cause a drag that will demand additional gas use -- and wear out the brakes sooner.

12. Tighten the gas cap. Buy a new one if your current cap doesn't fit snugly. Gas easily evaporates from the tank if it has an escape.

13. Buy a fuel-efficient car. When pricing cars, factor in long-term fuel costs. Keep in mind that sunroofs add to wind resistance, lowering the mileage per gallon.

14. Be smart with the air conditioning. On the highway, closed windows decrease air resistance, so run the air conditioner. In stop-and-go traffic, shut off the air conditioning and open the windows.

15. Remove snow tires in good weather. Deep tread and big tires use more fuel.

16. Fuel up at the service station with the lowest price in your area.


At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i downsized my last vehicle, i had a van and went to a small car, which i hate! i'm thinking of getting something bigger, but the price of gas keeps rising, so i'm undecided what i'm going to do.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

I like small cars. The one I have now is a Toyota Solara and it is the biggest car I have ever had. It does get pretty good gas milage though.
BSTS.. You might want to hang on to that smaller car until you see what gas prices are going to stablize out at.
I remember once when we had a van, It had two gas tanks and it cost a fortune to fill both tanks. It didn't get good gas milage and I hated that van.

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Bar L. said...

Thanks, Lucy! I get decent mileage out of my '99 Nissan but I these days that doesn't equal less money at the pump! I'll try a few of your tips :)

I've been praying for your grandbaby...I bet she's getting cuter every day!

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Fred said...

Every time I fill up, it's another few dollars more. The good news is that I only have to drive 13 miles round trip per day, so I refill once every three weeks or so.

Great tips though, thanks!

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Jeff H said...

We have a website locally (I'm sure other cities have such, too) where readers report the price of gas they see at local stations. Check it out for low prices.

And to get rid of that extra 250 pounds, dump the worthless boyfriend.

At 10:49 PM, Blogger Oh great One said...

Great tips! Especially these days. I have been looking into The Toyota Prius. It's a hybrid that is very frugal with the gas! I'm very interested!

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

Oh great one...They also have a Honda Civic that is a Hybrid. We looked at it before we bought my last car, but I couldn't convince my husband to get it. I wish we had bought it.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

oh grea one... I found this a little while ago on the Dollar Stretcher site, check it out.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger Nettie said...

#11 was particularly interesting, that's how I was taught to drive, but I'll definitely be aware of it from now on!

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Oh great One said...

Thanks Lucy!

I compared the Civic and Prius on the other day they really prefered the Toyota. I'm not done researching yet. If I can save some money I'm all for it!

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

oh great one, If you like the prius better then get it. I was just trying to tell you about it so you could compare. Good luck getting either on. On TV this morning they were talking about the high demand for both cars. They have a waiting list of about 12 weeks. Saving money is the name of the game. Good luck which ever one you get. Wish I had one.

Brad, Read your article. Very informative.

Nettie, Keep that foot off the brake. It will wear out your tires. All of my family drives with a manual transmission so I am always reminding my son the keep his foot off the clutch.

At 11:52 PM, Blogger The probligo said...

One technique for fuel saving that is not mentioned -

If you are going to be stationary for more than 30 secs you can save fuel by turning the engine off. For most cars, the fuel in the carburretor bowl represents about 30secs running. That is how much will evaporate if you turn off. Obviously for fuel injection, the saving is instant.

And a word of warning about #12. Don't under any circumstances completely block all of the venting. First you run the risk of the fuel flow stopping as tank vaccuum reaches the suck capacity of the fuel pump - result is the engine dies of starvation. Second, if you fill on a very cold night and that is followed by a hot day you run the risk of splitting (or exploding) fuel tank, fuel pump or delivery line. Not a good look either.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Natalie said...

Another way to save money on high gas prices? Carpool!! :) I've just started carpooling with my mom who drives the same way to work that I do each day. Saving both of us a ton of $$.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

Car pooling is a great idea. It also saves wear and tear on the car.


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