Almost too busy to blog
Between home, church, my business and helping friends, I’m busy as a bee. I’ve been upstairs cleaning out our “old” office so that I can move our current office upstairs. We are putting wood floors down in the living room, which we are now using as our office, and the dining room. Somehow the old office had turned in to our junk room. You wouldn’t believe what I am finding up there. Yesterday I found a box of banking papers from 1990 thru 1992. I will be busy with the shredder today getting rid of most of those. I found a box of Jennifer’s old stuff that she had thrown in there before she moved out several years ago; most all of that went in the trash. It really feels good to get that room cleaned out.
I’ve been helping a friend, Felicia, get her house prepared to put on the market. She has lived there for 15 years and she has collected lot’s of things. We have given away many of her things and taken many more things to the Salvation Army. Yesterday, a friend of mine, took all her office furniture and her computer. It really scares Felicia to think that she is moving into another phase of her life. She is going from a large three bedroom house into a small two bedroom assisted living center. She really doesn’t want to do this but her memory is getting to a point where she needs to. Last Tuesday, six ladies from church came over and we did some deep cleaning. We cleaned things that I am sure haven’t been cleaned in a long time. I think the house is finally ready to put on the market. Yea!
I have my grandbabies for a few days because Justin’s mom is in the hospital and not doing very good. Her kidneys are shutting down and her bowels are not working right. He and Jennifer are trying to get some work done so that he can go to Mexico and see her. Grandma to the rescue! My work for the next few days will be to take care of a 4 year old and an 8 month old. I’m just glad that I can help take a little load off of Jen and Justin.
With my calling at church, I have been busy helping others get prepared for hurricane season, which starts in about four weeks. We have ordered 5 gallon water containers and 55 gallon water barrels. I am working on the delivery of those later this afternoon. Next on the agenda will be 2,400 and 3.600 calorie food bars for our 72 hour emergency kits. Our church leaders have asked us to make sure that we have food stored for emergencies and we have been working on that. The scripture, “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.” comes into mind here.
Between all of this, running a business, and daily chores, life keeps going. I wonder sometimes how I manage it all. I’m grateful to God for the help he gives me and the love of my family. Where would I be without them?
Have a good weekend to all of my friends out there in blogland!
Have a good weekend, Lucy. Hey... Since you're doing wood floors, here's a question: What do you know about staining your concrete slab? We've seen it on TV and some friends have pulled their carpet up and done it... Any opinions?
When I was working I said the same thing. Now I have too much time on my hands.
My husband and I have decided that even though we live a little farther inland we need to be prepared for hurricanes as well. The neighbors told us that last year Katrina knocked out the power station that served our block and that they had no electricity for a week! I remember you put up a website a while back for emergency supplies. What was that again?
I've been pretty busy, too. I'm just taking a break from an assignment as I type :) My computer is my outlet! :)
Danny, Danny, Danny, I am sticking with wood floors. If I were to do a gagage conversion, I might consider staining the concrete, but this will be in my living room and dining room. Nawwww, I'm sticking with wood floors. I grew up on wood floors and I love them.
daybyday4-2day - I don't usually get much spare time.
Have fun with the grandbabies- sure sounds like it!
Where do you get your 55-gal drums?
Oh Great One - You can go to to get a lot of information. The Red Cross has quite a bit of information. You can go to and they have a lot of things you can buy and a lot of information.
Make up a 72 hour kit (or disaster kit) for each member of your family. Study up on this and get prepared, that is the key.
Nettie Belle - I'm enjoying the grandkids, but I'm not getting an thing done.
Mountain Mama - Last night after I got the kids to bed, I went straight to bed. I was exausted. Things are getting a little more in the groove today and going better.
Jahn - We got our barrels from the Mauser Corp. up on the Woodlands. They are food grade 55 gallon blue barrels. We paid $ 30.00 for new barrels. We got bung nut wrenches, to open the barrels, from Emergency Essentials. Their website address is: You can also buy a siphon from them for about $ 12.95. Don't buy the 55 gallon barrels from them because they are about twice the price. Check around your area for new food grade barrels. If you don't mind using a "used" barrel, you can get one from your local coke-a-cola bottling company. They are food grade and you can usually get them anywhere from $ 5.00 to $ 10.00. You will have to clean it out real good or you water will taste like coke. We just found some used "applejuice" 55 gallon barrels at a local feed store for $ 15.00. They should be a little easier to clean out and affordable for those who can't afford a new barrel.
Don't forget to get a couple of 5 gallon food grade jugs, for easy carrying. You can get them also at Emergency essentials. or get them locally at your local Wal-Mart.
Email me at if you have any questions.
My goodness, i am exhausted just reading this. Don't forget to take time out to pamper yourself :o)
Blogging can indeed be time consuming. It seems that you have a good life, and are fitting blogging into it, when you are able to do so.
Like yourself, I have noticed that my blogging is reduced to about twice per week now.
Have a good weekend too!
Hi Lucy ~~ You sure are a busy lady and a very good person to do so much
helping other people. Bless you for that
I hope you enjoy the grandchildren as
they can be a handful. Thank you so much for comment and good wishes for my trip.
It was wonderful, but it is so good to be home safe and sound. Thanks, Lucy.
Take care, Merle.
I hope you had a good weekend!!
Trying to keep up is a chore, isn't it? That's why I'm taking my break.
Have a great weekend, Lucy!
Hea, it's Fred! Wondered what happened to that guy. He and you both lead very busy lives. We're in that 'tween' stage. Our adult children are old enough to be on their own but too young to be producing children (grandchildren). No we get a respite there.
You put me and my tribe to shame!
I have a good friend who is having to move and she has a friend in Houston who belongs to your tribe.
They are coming to help her and her elderly mother pack and move.
Why can't all churches be more like yours and you?
Blessings dear sweet sister!
Sounds like you have just a few things in your life going on at once :). What a good friend you are! Don't feel like you have to blog all the time. I remember getting overwhelmed and a few good blogger friends encouraged me to keep my blog, but only post when I really felt i had a moment free. so that is what I did and it took a lot of pressure off :)...
Be prepared so as not to fear, or be like the flowers of the field?
wow you sound busy. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. It eases things knowing others have gone through the things I am experiencing in trying to take care of mother and do what is necessary. Little did I know she would get better and want to go home, I don't know what to do, she is better off here. Please pray for us, we need it!
I know the feeling! We just have to find time. At times, it seems so difficult.
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